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12-Year Special Education Teacher

I've taught Special Education in all grades. I have the most experience with moderate to more profound special needs such as autism and Down syndrome. I have taught in a primary, elementary and high school all within the moderate to more profound special needs areas. I usually work on communication and social skills as well as daily living and job skills. Right now I am teaching high school and my main goal is to get my students ready to enter the work force. If they go to the Burton Cen...


I have taught special education for the past twelve years. I have a daughter with ADD/ADHD. Some strategies that I use for ADD/ADHD are shortening written assignments, using items that are more hands-on and using a visual chart for each student's schedule. (A visual schedule will help the student see what he/she has done, along with what needs to be completed.) I also use a reward system to keep the student motivated.


I have taught many students with autism spectrum disorders. I focus on communication skills and social skills. I also focus on daily living and job (transitional) skills. I work one-on-one and focus in on the needs of that one student. I have taught special education for the past twelve years.

special needs


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)